With the regular advanced formula it dissolved just fine and when my daughter was on the regular sensitive I don’t remember having any issues like the pro sensitive. I noticed that the pro advanced had the same problem with dissolving so idk if that’s normal for the pro series or not? When he was on the pro advanced I tried different ways of preparing his formula to get it to dissolve (because I thought that was the problem of why he was so hungry) and nothing seemed to work. Last night I noticed when I was mixing the pro sensitive it was super foamy and wouldn’t dissolve. I stir it in a pitcher and sometimes store the whole pitcher in the fridge if I don’t feel like dividing it in bottles. But the night before I always make a days worth of formula to use.

This morning was the first time I used it so I’m not sure how he’s going to react to it. So we decided to use the samples we got from similac and try out the Pro Sensitive powder.

We switched him to the Similac Advance when he was 2 weeks which was a little better but he was still wanting more after eating and still crying and gasy. So it seemed like the formula was going right through him. Which seems like a lot to me but idk it could be normal for him but he still cries and acts like he wants more. And when we switched to the powder the amount of his wet diapers increased as well. He’s almost a month old and eats 4oz every 1 and 30 mins to 2 hours. He was more gasy with liquidy stools. He went from eating 2oz every 3-4 hours to wanting it every 30 mins to an hour. We literally tried everything and I do mean everything! And it wasn’t colic. It seemed like he was never satisfied or full. Crying after every feeding and wanting more to eat. Well after he switched to the Powder Similac Pro Advance, he was like a completely different baby. He was on the ready to feed Similac Pro Advance for about 6 days after he was born (that’s what they gave us in the hospital) we decided he seemed to be doing well and got the okay to use the powder kind from his doctor. They didn’t have the Similac Pro series when she was born though. Now, my 2nd born we have been having a hard time finding a formula that suits him. My 1st born was formula fed and only changed her formula once from Similac advance to Similac sensitive due to constipation and she took it no problem. I’m a stm and confused and wondering if y’all are experiencing the same problem.

So this is kinda long and jumps around a lot so bear with me.