(13.29 MB)27th October 2019300 / 182(Masty): Ok i know wat u gonna say m8 'Wow you son of a cow Stop uploading your self insert!' Kof Xiii MugenĪnd you are right i should stop! But i swear this is (Probably) The last time i upload a self insert here I am. The only bad thing is that, the attack that mension is activated automatically. (8.33 MB)6th November 201518867 / 10,60732(MAX 123 XD): Mario attacks with a powerful laser beam, which kills anyone with a simple shot. (35.05 MB)23rd July 20194280 / 1,20726(ShinRyoga &.): Nintendo'sSUPER MARIO (102% Complete?)Made by ShinRyoga and Neo AnkhFor WinMugen (Created by Elecbyte).All art by Brad 'ShinRyoga' Moore.All programming by. FileDate/ DownloadsComments(k6666orochi): Jxk-The Grand FinaleD, D, a+bFire BreathD, DB, B, a+bBanzai Bill (if you hold back changes the direction of the attack)D, DF, F.